
Welcome to Julie Davison, our new Supervising Social Worker who has joined the team. Julie has a great deal of experience within fostering and is looking forward to working with us to grow and develop the service, bringing fresh ideas, enthusiasm and optimism to her new role.

Dr. Nikki Hill a consultant clinical psychologist is now firmly established within the Acorns team. Nikki continues to direct our training programme and overseeing all of our young people’s care plans within the service. All young people coming in to the Acorns fostering service will be assessed by Nikki to ensure that their emotional needs are met within their families.


Currently running:

Kim Golding – Nurturing Attachments; this course will recommence on the 13th April 2016 and will run for the following 12 weeks.

Coming soon:

Aspirations: We are looking at training our foster parents to undertake parent and child assessments for court!